Pack your bags and head to Los Angeles, where festivities are being planned to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the famed landmark, Hollywood Sign.  Perched atop the Santa Monica Mountains overlooking the City of Los Angeles, the Hollywood sign is believed to have been erected on December 8, 1923. The original sign—which was intended as an advertisement for real estate development in the Hollywood area—read “Hollywoodland,” and was illuminated by 4,000 light bulbs.  The landmark sign has had many ups and downs in its 100-year life—from fire to disrepair to rising from the ashes.

Hollywood sign is now a celebrity in its own right, each year attracting thousands of tourists from near and afar.  

Let GMS put together a memorable incentive program for your top-performing employees or prized clients to explore the City of Angeles with all it has to offer including the landmark Hollywood sign—with a custom hike to the actual sign or fly over in a helicopter. While you are here, let us also plan an exciting Hollywood studio tour for your group or take you to a live television taping. In particular, it just happens that Warner Brothers Studios are also turning 100. We can organize a custom tour of WB Studios for your participants, or better yet, plan a gala dinner at WB’s ‘Back Lot’ with many of the iconic scenes in the background. The possibilities are endless. Take advantage of this milestone year in the City of Angeles and plan your memorable event in glitzy LA. Reach us at
